Marijuana DUI laws are the new drunk driving laws. And few people understand how they work.
You can get arrested and convicted while driving under the influence of marijuana in all states, although some places it is harder to prove than others.
Many states have a "zero tolerance" for any THC in the bloodstream while driving. Others are adopting a highly questionable 5ng/ml of blood standard. Even carboxy-THC which has no psychoactive effects, and just means you may have smoked days or weeks before. And the stated fact by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration that "It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person's THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects."
One alarmist study suggests that anyone who smokes at all is essentially drunk driving. But how can that be true? You can absolutely have 1 or 2 beers and almost certainly be perfectly legal to drive, and under the .08% national BAC standard. Does it not follow that you can take a hit or two and be more than sober enough to drive safely?
You can get arrested and convicted while driving under the influence of marijuana in all states, although some places it is harder to prove than others.
Many states have a "zero tolerance" for any THC in the bloodstream while driving. Others are adopting a highly questionable 5ng/ml of blood standard. Even carboxy-THC which has no psychoactive effects, and just means you may have smoked days or weeks before. And the stated fact by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration that "It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person's THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects."
One alarmist study suggests that anyone who smokes at all is essentially drunk driving. But how can that be true? You can absolutely have 1 or 2 beers and almost certainly be perfectly legal to drive, and under the .08% national BAC standard. Does it not follow that you can take a hit or two and be more than sober enough to drive safely?