There is a good chance that 2015 will be the year that a state finally legalizes marijuana directly, with lawmakers passing their own bill, and not being forced to via a citizens ballot measure. If that happens, it will be a huge political and cultural milestone.
Thus far, the states that have passed legalization have all done so via ballot initiative. Colorado and Washington in 2012, and Oregon, Alaska and DC in 2014.
Thus far, the states that have passed legalization have all done so via ballot initiative. Colorado and Washington in 2012, and Oregon, Alaska and DC in 2014.
2015 is an off year, so there are not any major election cycles or ballot initiatives that will happen.
But it is possible that a state could end cannabis prohibition directly, but it's state legislatures affirmatively passing a legalization bill directly.
There are serious efforts to make this happen in Vermont and Rhode Island.
And once one of these gets through, it will be much easier for other states to jump on board.
What do you think? Who is going to be first?
Also, here is a great overview of efforts happening in 2015 for medical marijuana reform and decriminalization as well.
And 2016 will be the year the dam breaks.